Natural Masculine Confidence is your ability to handle and enjoy emotional tension.
Men who cannot handle the tension of their business (or any career) will eventually fail in favor of their competition, who can handle the tension better than them.
Yes, performing under tension is difficult.
But when a man can't handle the tension, he has to face consequences. Poor decisions, lack of presence in conversations, and consequent overthinking will eventually create a downward spiral of negativity.
The cost is obvious: time wasted and money lost. But on the long enough entrepreneurship timeline, the effects are devastating: failure & bankruptcy.
John, a young and ambitious entrepreneur in the financial world, is a powerful example of what can happen once you stop avoiding tension and start handling and enjoying it instead.
John started his business 3 years before we started working together. He loved his work, but he also said the amount of tension he was experiencing was extreme.
Furthermore, it was directly influencing his ability to perform and grow his business.
"It's an emotional roller coaster ride. I love the highs, but when the lows come, I am fuc*ed. I am making the wrong decision after the wrong decision. And my income perfectly reflects what I feel on the inside."
There are always ups and downs in every business. But when the emotional toll of the downs starts affecting your mental health and creating a downward spiral, the entrepreneur is in trouble. John started to lose money and respect from those he led in his business.
"I had these frustrating moments and I just couldn't get out of it. The more I tried to figure it out, the more helpless I felt. It felt like the harder I tried, the worse off I was."
Of course, he was!
There comes a point when the mental problem needs to be addressed using the other half of the brain. Trying to figure out an emotional problem with logic is like trying to make a coffee with a toaster!
Logic and emotion are two different realms of the mind and departments in the brain.
But he couldn't know that before he learned releasing. Despite having been in self-development and personal growth for a long time, it seemed like he was lacking the practical tools for dealing with his emotions.
"I have read about letting go of your emotions and not allowing them to affect you but I could never find out how specifically I can do that."
John was working his ass off and it felt like there was no marginal benefit to more time invested in his business - he was just more tired.
In his lowest lows, he couldn't understand how so much effort can still lead to frustration, apathy and hopelessness.
"Maybe it's just me. What if I'm just broken and there is nothing I can do about it?" he asked himself in his darkest moments.
Fortunately, he never bought into those thoughts. Instead, he came to an important realization:
"If I keep doing what I'm doing, I will either burn myself out and lose my business completely OR I will have to give up my business to preserve my sanity. One way or another - I will have to go back to being employed."
Luckily, John is a warrior by nature and none of those options were acceptable for him.
One day he saw one of my posts on social media and he booked a breakthrough call with me. That decision, it turns out, helped him turn his business around, fall in love with his business again, and massively raise his income in less than 3 months.
"I am just in those emotional lows for way too long. And I'm tired of that! If I can learn to handle those overwhelming feelings of apathy, and frustration and stop the overthinking, then this is a big fuc*ing deal!"
We got down to work.
I showed John the emotional clusters, I taught him how to stop overthinking and release all of his emotions.
All the theoretical knowledge in self-development that he accumulated over the years now clicked in.
He had breakthrough after breakthrough and it was beautiful to watch!
"Man, this is crazy!
What took me weeks to deal with I can now process in minutes!
This should be taught in schools!"
I wasn't surprised.
Most men react similarly after their first experiences with releasing.
John now knew with 100% certainty that it was not his business that was the source of his suffering but his internal emotional state.
It took very little time to put his internal emotional state back in place and he got into his peak performance in less than 3 weeks.
"I love what I do and I'm finally looking forward to working again! I got back to feeling the way I felt when I started the business and it's just so exciting!"
In the next 3 months, John tripled (!!!) his income and he consistently keeps raising it further.
[DISCLAIMER: John's financial results aren't that of a typical client. His extraordinary results are a consequence of 1. his extreme accountability 2. his previous self-development work and 3. his already existing passion for his work.]
But I wasn't finished with him yet.
Emotional releasing helps you release ALL the emotions that you have stuck in your unconscious. In other words - you can process everything that you have felt in the past and have not yet dealt with.
John had a lot of shame stuck around the self-image of his physical body, despite being an advanced Cross-Fit practitioner, because of his past memories of being bullied for his looks.
He also processed that.
Once he let go of the repressed shame from the bullies, he started to enjoy athletics even more.
"It's amazing! I don't do sport to avoid looking fat anymore! I enjoy the movement and I'm excited to take on more challenges. Not to avoid pain but for the joy of the sport!"
Inevitably, John's dating life also improved, because emotional tension is of the same nature in all areas of life. Whether it's business or making love - shame is always a shame. Joy is always a joy. Once he released his stuck emotions in business and personal life, he immediately became freer in his self-expression with friends and women.
Today when I ask him about getting stuck with emotions, he's just laughing:
"The thing I love about releasing is that it's simple. It's so simple, it's ridiculous!"
John might have had early doubts about whether or not to book the call. He took action despite his fear and his courage paid off! In less than 8 weeks, he transformed his emotional reality, saved his business, and built more confidence than he has ever had in life.
Completely naturally.
This is all thanks to following his curiosity and acting on his courage to book a breakthrough call to discover if emotional releasing can be applied for him too.
If you also can feel that your low emotional states are getting the best of your career and/or love life, and you want to make the changes that will upgrade your confidence for the rest of your life, then let's get on the phone and start to create a plan to build your genuine confidence and start building your dream life.
Book a free Breakthrough call in my calendar, answer a few questions in the application and I'll call you at the time you picked.
Speak soon.
*Client's name was changed to protect his privacy
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